California is closer than ever to achieving affordable universal health care for all. Special interests are now trying to undo our progress and force everyone into a new, untested health system.
California has led the nation in expanding access to affordable coverage. Despite our progress, special interests in Sacramento are pushing AB 2200 to create a single payer health system in California.
A single payer system would force all 39 million Californians out of their existing coverage – including Medicare, employer-based coverage, and Covered California plans – and into a new government plan with no ability for consumers to opt out or choose private coverage. Californians should have the right to choose private coverage if they want it.
A single payer healthcare system would cost taxpayers nearly $250 billion annually in higher taxes on jobs, income, services, and more. That’s over $2 trillion in new taxes in the first decade alone – all to fund a massive untested government program.
Californians need a stable health care system we can rely on at all times. Instead, AB 2200 puts patient care in jeopardy. A single payer system would eliminate patients’ choice of physicians, hospitals, and other providers and we would lose doctors to other states, leading to longer wait times and reduced access to care.

Protect our health care! Tell your Legislators to Oppose AB 2200!
- California is on the cusp of achieving universal coverage thanks to the work of the Legislature, Governor, and President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Only 6% of Californians don’t have health coverage – a record low level. And with new policies beginning in 2024, 100% of Californians will have access to healthcare coverage.
- We’ve taken significant steps toward making health care more affordable for low- and middle-income Californians, thanks to new subsidies provided under the recent American Rescue Plan and the creation of the Governor’s new Office of Health Care Affordability.
- Single payer proponents want to ignore and destroy all this progress with their new legislation. Instead of building on our progress, the proponents of single payer want to force all Californians into a new and untested government-run program that prohibits consumers from choosing private coverage.
California is on the cusp of achieving universal coverage thanks to the work of the Legislature, Governor, and President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Only 6% of Californians don’t have health coverage – a record low level. And with new policies beginning in 2024, 100% of Californians will have access to healthcare coverage.
We’ve taken significant steps toward making health care more affordable for low- and middle-income Californians, thanks to new subsidies provided under the recent American Rescue Plan and the creation of the Governor’s new Office of Health Care Affordability.
Single payer proponents want to ignore and destroy all this progress with their new legislation. Instead of building on our progress, the proponents of single payer want to force all Californians into a new and untested government-run program that prohibits consumers from choosing private coverage.
Voters have shared strong opposition to being forced out of their current coverage and into a single new government plan. Recent polling shows…
private coverage.
health coverage.
Single Payer requires massive new taxes of over $250 BILLION a year.
To fund single payer, taxes could increase on:
Payroll and Jobs
Personal Income
Small Businesses
California needs to build on our current system, not eliminate Californians’ ability to choose their own health coverage.
We need a balanced solution that includes a mix of public and private plans.
"Californians want a cost-effective, high-quality health care system that gives them the ability to choose the health coverage that’s best for them."
- Protect California Health Care
Single payer legislation creates more questions than solutions.
Protect our health care! Tell your Legislators to
Vote No on Single Payer!
Sign up to help protect health care choice in California.